Welcome to NuMe Health

Where our mission is to help individuals heal from the inside out; one soul at a time.

Using mainly Root-Cause Therapy, NuMe Health has been designed to assist you shift negative energy patterns, heal past traumas and reparent yourself by finding the root cause of events where these blocks were created and meeting the needs of your inner child.

So what exactly is Root-Cause Therapy and what can this work help with?

Root-Cause Therapy is a powerful style of therapy which assists people in getting to the root-cause of their current presenting symptoms (e.g. depression, anxiety, physical trauma, money issues, relationship issues, etc.), using regression to process and release unprocessed emotions which may be causing unwanted thoughts, behaviours and symptoms.

Using advanced ways of testing and discovering the actual cause of the currently presenting unease within one self, which could be reflecting itself through negative life patterns and choices e.g. weight issues, lack of financial abundance, etc.; Marianne facilitates clients to tap into the self healing mechanisms of the deeper parts of their mind in an empowering safe container.

Unlike talk therapy which can leave you feeling worse with a long-time frame to create change in behaviours and thoughts - Root-Cause Therapy creates a space for you to learn why you do, think or feel the way you do - allowing yourself to discover and shift any unwanted patterns consciously, all while being in total control with the guidance of Marianne.

Assumptions and ‘theories’ are no longer necessary as Marianne creates a way for the mind and body to consciously access and reassess from a clearer perspective. This may be in the past or negative projections into the future.

Each session with Marianne is structured in such a way that she can help prioritise and work through life-long symptoms and past hurts in a gentle yet thorough way.

“The attempt to escape from pain, is what creates more pain.”

Gabor Maté