Hi, I’m Marianne

Hi! I'm Marianne. I am a Level 1 & 2 Root Cause Therapy Practitioner.

I am a holistic healer, a wife, a mother of two incredible souls, a great listener, and a pretty good cook (if I do say so myself).

After having my first child I experienced Post Natal depression and severe anxiety. My mind was clouded by dark stormy clouds and I had trouble focusing on anything positive. I would spend my day sitting on the couch watching over my son in fear of something happening to him, would go to sleep completely exhausted thinking of the worst case scenarios, never did anything around my house or for my health, and felt completely lost and worthless.

I thought it got better when I had my daughter 16 months later, but I was being bullied at work. I fell back into a dark place and felt like I understood why people believe there is no way out of their situation and so they end everything. The thought ending my life scared the hell out of me. So I decided I needed to work on my mental health for myself and for my family.

To try and get out of my dark hole, my husband and I sold our house to move closer to work, started focusing on my health and focused on thinking positively. A few years on, I discovered Root-Cause Therapy.

Root-Cause Therapy has helped me learn my worth, gain focus and get on the path to living my purpose.

Since practicing Root Cause Therapy, I have seen major shifts in people’s energies, have witnessed individuals overcoming fears, anxiety, physical and emotional pain. I love helping others to feel whole and gain an understanding of their true purpose and most importantly to live happily with a true inner joy.

I am committed to helping individuals live their best life. I offer unbiased, judgement-free and unconditional support and love to all I cross paths with. I'm here to help you in any way I am able. You, your happiness, health and success is important to me.

Much love - M.