• Awakening Program

    A program consisting of 8 healing sessions using a combination of modalities and a client led approach; your healing journey is personalised so that you get the most out of your sessions.

    In the sessions you will find your true authentic self and learn what needs to change in order to reach your goals.

    You will learn what is holding you back from the life’s you desires, and be guided with techniques to listen to yourself and see the path forward.

    You will release trapped emotions in your body causing you physical or mental pain or discomfort, and release generational trauma which may be causing negative life patterns.

    To learn more or to have a chat call Marianne on 0405 595 644 or click here.

  • Children's Support Protocol

    Children are little versions of ourselves, and if you recall memories from your childhood, you’ll probably have a few that make your heart rate pick up, or your fight, flight, fawn or freeze reactions kick in.

    Our kids deserve to live their childhood happily and not in a constant state of fear, or anxiety, or worrying about if they are loved or worthy.

    This program is designed to clear any blocked emotions that may be trapped and stored in their body, causing them those tummy aches that can’t be explained, skin reactions, physical ailments, or big emotional outbursts.

    To learn more call Marianne on 0405595644 or click here.

  • Teenage Support Program

    It’s hard enough being a teenager with all the peer pressure, change in hormones and constant shutdowns, then add in trapped emotions, anxiety, depression, stress, etc.

    This program has been designed for those teens that feel they need support, to be heard, and to let go of the things holding them back from developing emotionally into the person they want to be.

    For more information call Marianne on 0405595644 or click here.

  • Single Root-Cause Therapy Session

    Single root-cause therapy sessions will allow you to discover your limiting beliefs and release them assisting you to focus on any issues that need to be addressed.

    While you are fully conscious, we will access your unconscious mind and learn where the root cause of your limiting beliefs are. This will help you clear the blocked emotion which will in turn allow positivity into your life, where you will start to naturally feel more peaceful, confident and happy.

    To book a root-cause therapy session call Marianne on 0405595644 or click here.

  • Remote Healings

    Energy is all around us. It is stored in our body’s and can present as physical pain, illnesses the medical profession can’t explain, reoccurring negative patterns, etc.

    When negative energy is released, it is released from all those that share it. For example, if you, your mother and brother are experiencing similar issues in relationships, if one of you has the negative energy released, it would be released for all three of you as you share the same negative energy.

    It doesn’t matter if your mother lives in a different state and your brother lives in a different country, energy is energy. Once released it vibrates on a higher energetic frequency, which then attracts positive outcomes.

    Marianne is able to energetically connect with clients and release these trapped emotions on their behalf.

    This is a good option for young children, individuals who want to do energy work but are not quite ready to access the unconscious mind, or those just wanting to release stagnant energy and to feel positive shift in their lives.

    Remote healings are done in a package of 3 sessions, carried out over 3 weeks. All results will be emailed to the individual after the session has been carried out.

    To book your remote sessions please call Marianne on 0405595644 or click here.

Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.

Greg Anderson