Upcoming Markets

Trapped Emotion Clearings

Join Marianne from NuMe Health at the upcoming markets and take advantage of Trapped Emotion Clearings to help alleviate physical, emotional and mental problems caused by energetic blockages. Once these trapped emotions are released, you will feel much lighter and notice changes in your surroundings in the days following the session.

Understanding Trapped Emotions: How Emotional Baggage Can Affect Our Lives

During tough times, highly emotional situations, or when we suppress our feelings, our body can store the energy of these emotions. These are known as Trapped Emotions. Over time, these trapped emotions accumulate, creating a heavy emotional burden that can hinder our growth and progress in life. This stagnant energy can also block the natural flow of life force energy, resulting in physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. For some, this emotional baggage stems from past trauma, while for others, it may be unclear why they experience emotional distress. It's estimated that the average person carries over 300 Trapped Emotions, while some may have many more due to their unique life experiences.

Feeling weighed down by emotions that don't seem to belong to you could be the result of difficult situations and trauma experienced by your parents and ancestors. Furthermore, if your mother had a challenging pregnancy with you, you may have absorbed emotions while in the womb (prenatal). It's important to note that if you don't protect your own energy, you may be susceptible to absorbing the emotional energy of others.

Common Triggers and Causes

Have you ever found yourself caught in a web of emotions that you just can't seem to shake off? This could be a result of emotional trapping, which can be triggered by various situations, including distressing birth processes, abuse from loved ones, bullying, relocation, or loss of loved ones. Even minor events like being ignored or rejected by someone can cause emotional trapping. It's important to note that the size of the situation doesn't matter; any event can lead to emotional trapping if not processed properly. In fact, simply thinking about a situation can produce an emotional response that results in emotional entrapment.

Make sure you book your session in advance to avoid disappointment.

January 2024

27th January 2024 - 10:00 am - 04:00 pm

Daylesford Town Hall
76 Vincent street , Daylesford Vic 3460

February 2024

03rd February 2024 - 10:00 am - 05:00 pm

Wallan multipurpose centre
42-80 Bentinck street, Wallan Vic 3756

Book your spot now to get New Year Special Pricing and a bonus gift on the day.

“What we change inwardly will change outer reality.”

– Plutarch