Children’s Support Program

“In all this world, there is nothing so beautiful as a happy child.”

— L. Frank Baum

 Children’s Support Program

As a mum, there is nothing that I want more than to see my kids happy and doing their best at life. And it killed me a little inside every time I saw my son have a complete fight/flight/freeze moment whenever he saw a dog.

He was petrified! He would get all sweaty, his body would shake and he would just completely break down as he thought he was going to be hurt by the dog.

It started with him being afraid, then the shaking of the body, and then one day, he refused to go outside our front door unless someone would go out and see if our neighbours dog was outside. That’s when I started searching for a way to help him.

I learnt about Root Cause Therapy and booked him in. The practitioner was lovely. She did 3 sessions in total and by the end of the third session my son was outside patting the neighbours dog.

Yep, that’s my son in the picture!

After learning first hand what Root Cause Therapy can do for children, I knew I had to help other children overcome their fears, anxieties and worries. Especially after living through a pandemic and seeing what effect it has had on our children.

My Children’s Support Program is suitable for children aged between 5 and 21, and includes 3 sessions and includes ongoing home support via email, phone, text messages, and messenger for the duration of the program.

I know what you’re thinking. But my child is 21 and they’re an adult. I agree, they are physically. However, when it comes to the development of the brain, children’s brains, in particular their frontal lobe, it not fully grown and developed until around the age of 21; and it’s for that reason that I use a gentler technique on our beautiful children.

I’m here to help you and your child to live a healthy, happy life.